Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Vision Express launches rose-tinting service for specs

With all the gloom around, it's good to see that some businesses are helping to engender a bit of positive thinking. Our client, Vision Express, has just announced a rose-tinting service for glasses for those amongst us, me included, that choose to stroll on the sunnier side of the street. The story made the national press, notably the Mirror, and BBC radio. With many of the broadsheets and tabloids leaden with gloomy news, there will be a growing gap in the market for carefully-placed lighter stories...

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

The Fakeaway

Gratifying to read that one of our coinages on behalf of our client Sainsbury's looks destined for the dictionary. The Scotsman reports in its recent “Layman’s guide to Cityspeak”:

“FAKEAWAY: A homemade version of a takeaway to save money, according to Sainsbury's. Likely to involve a jar of own-label curry paste and a pack of naan bread, washed down with supermarket lager.”