Monday, 3 March 2008

"Today's newspapers are tomorrow's fish and chip wrapper", says the CEO. We think not", say City analysts.

Here's a link to a piece of research that we did last year amongst senior City analysts. It explored the role of positive media coverage in foming their opinions and ascribing value to the companies that they track. What interested us most was the following:

1. The evident disconnect between the value that analysts ascribe to press coverage and the value that many CEOs ascribe to it

2. The clear importance of quality press coverage in the front of the paper (ie, not just the business pages) to analysts in formulating their views

3. One senior analyst went so far as to say that good consumer PR could add a point or two to the PE ratio of a business

Many directors of communications that we speak to privately moan about their CEO / MD's reluctance to engage with the media. We hope that this research is a useful and persuasive tool in making the case for CEOs to think and behave differently.

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